Most Racist & Violent Cities Voted for Hillary

This meme has been floating around social media and it made me laugh –


But then it got me thinking… Which cities have the highest crime rates and which candidate won their votes?

I found an article which ranked the Top 30 Most Dangerous Cities based on the number of violent crimes committed per year.

Here is how each city voted:


Interesting. Hillary Clinton won not just the Top 10, but the Top 20, and most she won by a pretty large margin.

Out of the 30 Donald Trump only won 2 and not by such a devastating percentage.

This certainly does not prove that everyone who supported Hillary is a liar and a criminal. However, it is a bit shocking.

But how about the most racist cities in the country? Surely we should see those cities voting overwhelmingly for Donald Trump, right? Wrong!

Below is a chart showing the Top 10 Most Racist Cities ranked by Hate Crimes reported per year:


Of the top 10 cities deemed most racist, only 1 city voted for Trump, and it went to him by the lowest percentage (49.1%).

What does this prove? That Hillary’s supporters are racist and violent?

No, not necessarily.

But it should give pause to the propaganda that Trump’s supporters are the ones prone to racism and violence.

He didn’t win the majority of these cities known for that kind of behavior, Hillary did.



No Liberals, You Are Not The Authority On Love


About a year ago I had an extremely vivid nightmare. It’s the kind you don’t forget. I wrote it down because I knew I would want to share it but didn’t know when would be the right time. Now is just that.

I dreamt there was a mob of people who kidnapped a bunch of infants. I was in the car with one of my friends and we were driving down an open road when we came upon a more ancient looking road, like that of old Rome, with rows of modern looking concrete pillars, immense in size, on each side of the road.

Painted on each pillar was a large heart shape. Half of the hearts on each pillar were a dingy red color. The other half looked freshly painted with what could only be blood. I looked at my friend in horror as she asked, “You don’t think this could be …” “Yes” I said. “This is what has become of those babies!”

Out of nowhere a man confronted the mob of people, but he was terribly outnumbered. The mob screamed at him and started attacking him. One of them came up behind him and bit his neck, ripping out his flesh.

This is where I woke up…

How many liberals claim to be all about love? They’ve created and regurgitated the catch phrases “Love is love” and “No H8”. They’ve spread these sayings through all kinds of art and media. They try so hard to sound loving and to look loving. But their masterpiece is just heart shapes on pillars painted with the blood of unborn babies.

Are we really supposed to believe the political ideology whose hands are stained with the blood of 50 million human beings is the loving side? No! Liberals have no right to even speak about love. They have so twisted and adulterated that word that I’m surprised it doesn’t get stuck in their throat every time they speak it.

I know. This is harsh. But unlike the pseudo-love liberals speak of, REAL Love defends the Truth. One of the most overlooked portion of the love passage in 1 Corinthians 13 (which, wouldn’t you know it, happens to be Hillary Clinton’s professed favorite scripture) is this line:

Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth.

Do you celebrate the 50 million lives lost due to abortion? Then love is not in you! Do you deny the truth that the unborn are living human beings? Then you know not love!

You know, for the ideology who treats science as “god” liberals seem to have no problem abandoning it with passion when it comes to the subject of abortion. Yes, the unborn of human beings are human beings themselves. Do humans create any other species in the womb? Science says no! Yes, these unborn human beings are living or else what is abortion stopping? Science has spoken! Will the liberals listen?

So what do we call ending the life of another human being without just cause – such as self-defense? Oh yeah, that is called murder. There is just no justification for this America! Murder is not loving. Not ever!

God is a just God. He will judge those with blood on their hands. He must. It is the loving thing for Him to do.

Can you imagine if there was a serial killer on trial for savagely murdering 50 infants and the judge ruled to grant him an acquittal because the judge loved the serial killer? The outrage would be overwhelming. Would anyone actually think this judge was a loving judge? No! Why? Because it is not loving to ignore the lives lost and deny them justice.

Do we expect such injustice from a loving God? God is love, therefore He must judge. How can He not hold responsible those who have championed over 50 million deaths? Their blood cries out to Him. And it doesn’t cry out heart shapes. It cries out for justice.

Will you repent? Will you surrender to the actual authority on Love – Jesus Christ? Are you willing to see what True Love looks like in Him?

Love is God sending His Son into our world to acquaint Himself with our sufferings and ultimately die on the cross for our sins. God judged our sins in the body of Jesus because He doesn’t want to judge you or me but our sins must be judged.

Will you accept Jesus’ sacrifice for your sins? Or will you remain blind and continue believing your own lie about how loving you are?

I pray you see the Truth in Love. Because if you are not seeing Truth, you are not seeing Love.