Come Back Home

The other night while I was praying I didn’t want to ask God for anything, I just wanted to know how He was doing, and what was on His mind. So I asked Him to reveal to me what is going on with Him

The next morning when I was scrolling on Facebook I came across a story where parents had their 4 year old child taken from them by CPS simply because a doctor had recommended a certain treatment for the child and the parents didn’t agree or follow through with the doctor’s recommendation. Yes, this is a real thing referred to as Medical Kidnapping. I was so sick to my stomach while putting myself in those parent’s shoes. How gut-wrenchingly horrible for anyone to go through! I prayed for the family and the other families that came to my attention who had apparently gone through the same thing…

Not long after that I began praying again for God to tell me what was going on with Him. How was He doing? And God asked me if I thought it was possible for Him to feel that same gut-wrenching pain when one of His kids are taken from Him? And I was reminded of the recent denouncements of faith by several somewhat prominent Christians, and also of some personal ones I know who have lost their faith. How much does their walking away, being swept away by this or that, hurt our Father? And I tried to put myself in God’s shoes and I imagined the pain He would feel losing one of His children, the pain that He was feeling about losing these children. It shook me!

My tendency is to analyze and respond to the different reasons why people have chosen to walk away from God. I can even be, dare I admit, judgmental. But in that moment, God allowed me to just feel His love for them. A love that hurts. And I’m honored to have felt that!

Surely we know God is a Good Shepherd. He’ll pursue that one wayward sheep. He’ll be the Loving Father running out to greet His Prodigal Son. I’ll share His plea with my own voice in agreement with Him:

Come back home child! I love you!

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